
January 2021 pricelist


Please search for your Destination. The Price indication is in euros. Please make an account to check the active rates. Since July 2019 Roaming laws exist for countries within the EU. This means that if you call to a EU destination with a caller ID from any EU destination you pay for the rate that has Origin XXXXX behind its name. Calling from outside the EU normal rates apply and no Roaming will be activated. Be aware that this can be expensive.

| — | — | | name | price | | Afghanistan Mobile Awcc | € 0.22 | | Afghanistan Special Services | € 0.47 | | Albania Special Services | € 0.65 | | Angola Mobile Movicel | € 0.18 | | Angola Mobile Unitel | € 0.21 | | Angola Special Services | € 0.87 | | Antigua And Barbuda Mobile | € 0.29 | | Argentina Mobile | € 0.17 | | Armenia Special Services | € 0.38 | | Australia Mobile Telstra Mobile | € 0.06 | | Australia Mobility Services | € 3.35 | | Australia Satellite Mobile Optus Mobile | € 2.81 | | Austria Mobile A1 Telekom Origin 50369 | € 0.02 | | Austria Mobile A1 Telekom Origin 50370 | € 0.02 | | Austria Mobile A1 Telekom Origin 50371 | € 0.27 | | Austria Mobile Origin 50305 | € 0.02 | | Austria Mobile Origin 50313 | € 0.02 | | Austria Mobile Origin 50321 | € 0.12 | | Austria Mobile Tmobile Origin 50308 | € 0.02 | | Austria Mobile Tmobile Origin 50316 | € 0.02 | | Austria Mobile Tmobile Origin 50324 | € 0.27 | | Austria Mobile Three Origin 50306 | € 0.02 | | Austria Mobile Three Origin 50314 | € 0.02 | | Austria Mobile Three Origin 50322 | € 0.27 | | Austria Origin 50303 | € 0.02 | | Austria Origin 50311 | € 0.02 | | Austria Origin 50319 | € 0.03 | | Austria Special Services | € 0.38 | | Austria Vienna Origin 50310 | € 0.02 | | Austria Vienna Origin 50318 | € 0.02 | | Austria Vienna Origin 50326 | € 0.03 | | Belarus Mobility Services | € 1.20 | | Belgium Fixed Proximus | € 0.11 | | Belgium Fixed Proximus Origin 50244 | € 0.05 | | Belgium Mobile | € 0.47 | | Belgium Mobile Base Origin 50846 | € 0.02 | | Belgium Mobile Orange Origin 50838 | € 0.02 | | Belgium Mobile Proximus Origin 50858 | € 0.02 | | Belgium Mobile Voo Origin 51247 | € 0.02 | | Belgium Origin 50516 | € 0.05 | | Belgium Roaming Base Origin 50846 | € 0.02 | | Belgium Roaming Orange Origin 50838 | € 0.02 | | Belgium Roaming Proximus Origin 50858 | € 0.02 | | Benin Mobile | € 0.26 | | Bolivia Mobility Services | € 0.60 | | Brazil Mobile | € 0.03 | | Brazil Mobility Services | € 0.26 | | Bulgaria Special Services | € 0.54 | | Burkina Faso Special Services | € 0.98 | | Burundi Special Services | € 0.64 | | Cambodia Mobile | € 0.07 | | Cameroon Mobile Mtn | € 0.38 | | Cameroon Special Services Type_A | € 1.28 | | Cameroon Special Services Type_B | € 0.83 | | Central African Republic Special Services | € 0.92 | | Colombia Lex | € 0.02 | | Colombia Mobile Orbitel Servicios | € 0.03 | | Croatia Mobile Origin 50093 | € 0.47 | | Croatia Mobile Tmobile Origin 50095 | € 0.47 | | Croatia Mobile Vipnet Origin 50097 | € 0.47 | | Croatia Origin 50092 | € 0.17 | | Cyprus | € 0.03 | | Cyprus Fixed Callsat Internationa Origin 50965 | € 0.08 | | Cyprus Fixed High Cost | € 0.03 | | Cyprus Fixed High Cost Origin 50972 | € 0.03 | | Cyprus Fixed Other Licensed Opera | € 0.05 | | Cyprus Fixed Other Licensed Opera Origin 50966 | € 0.05 | | Cyprus Mobile Cytavodafone Origin 50968 | € 0.04 | | Cyprus Mobile Mtn Origin 50970 | € 0.02 | | Cyprus Mobile Origin 50967 | € 0.04 | | Cyprus Origin 50964 | € 0.02 | | Czech Republic Mobile O2 | € 0.08 | | Czech Republic Mobile O2 Origin 50110 | € 0.02 | | Czech Republic Mobile Origin 50108 | € 0.02 | | Czech Republic Mobile Tmobile Origin 50112 | € 0.02 | | Czech Republic Mobile Vodafone Origin 50114 | € 0.02 | | Czech Republic Origin 50106 | € 0.02 | | Denmark Mobile | € 0.02 | | Denmark Mobile Telia | € 0.02 | | Dominica Special Services Type_A | € 0.92 | | Dominican Republic Mobile Claro | € 0.11 | | Dominican Republic Santo Domingo | € 0.03 | | Egypt Mobile Etisalat Origin 51527 | € 0.11 | | Egypt Mobile Orange Origin 51529 | € 0.14 | | Egypt Mobile Vodafone Origin 51531 | € 0.14 | | El Salvador Mobile Movistar | € 0.12 | | Equatorial Guinea Fixed Getesa | € 0.57 | | Estonia Mobile Tele2 | € 0.38 | | Estonia Mobility Services | € 0.70 | | Estonia Special Services | € 0.68 | | Ethiopia Mobile Eta Addis Abeba | € 0.26 | | Fiji Mobile | € 0.32 | | Finland Special Services | € 0.38 | | France Mobile | € 0.20 | | France Mobile Bouygues | € 0.20 | | France Mobile Bouygues Origin 50020 | € 0.02 | | France Mobile Bouygues Origin 50746 | € 0.05 | | France Mobile Bouygues Origin 51954 | € 0.07 | | France Mobile Bouygues Origin 51956 | € 0.13 | | France Mobile Free Mobile | € 0.20 | | France Mobile Free Mobile Origin 50035 | € 0.02 | | France Mobile Free Mobile Origin 50773 | € 0.05 | | France Mobile Free Mobile Origin 51977 | € 0.07 | | France Mobile Free Mobile Origin 51979 | € 0.13 | | France Mobile Lycatel Origin 50034 | € 0.02 | | France Mobile Lycatel Origin 50750 | € 0.05 | | France Mobile Lycatel Origin 51965 | € 0.07 | | France Mobile Lycatel Origin 51966 | € 0.13 | | France Mobile Nrj Origin 50038 | € 0.02 | | France Mobile Nrj Origin 52179 | € 0.07 | | France Mobile Nrj Origin 52180 | € 0.08 | | France Mobile Nrj Origin 52181 | € 0.13 | | France Mobile Orange | € 0.20 | | France Mobile Orange Origin 50031 | € 0.02 | | France Mobile Orange Origin 50774 | € 0.05 | | France Mobile Orange Origin 51960 | € 0.07 | | France Mobile Origin 51285 | € 0.02 | | France Mobile Sfr Origin 50029 | € 0.02 | | France Mobile Sfr Origin 51080 | € 0.05 | | France Mobile Sfr Origin 51888 | € 0.07 | | France Mobile Sfr Origin 51890 | € 0.13 | | France Origin 50033 | € 0.02 | | France Origin 51963 | € 0.02 | | France Special Services | € 0.39 | | Gambia Mobile | € 0.67 | | Gambia Mobility Services | € 1.61 | | Georgia Special Services | € 0.60 | | Germany Mobile | € 0.08 | | Germany Mobile Origin 52009 | € 0.03 | | Germany Mobile Tmobile Origin 52007 | € 0.02 | | Germany Mobile Telefonica Origin 50161 | € 0.02 | | Germany Mobile Vodafone Origin 51999 | € 0.02 | | Ghana Mobility Services | € 0.87 | | Gibraltar Mobile | € 0.16 | | Global Mobile Satellite System Mobile Globalstar Type_A | € 1.88 | | Global Mobile Satellite System Mobile Globalstar Type_B | € 1.88 | | Global Mobile Satellite System Mobile Globalstar Type_C | € 1.88 | | Global Mobile Satellite System Mobile Globalstar Type_D | € 1.88 | | Greece Athens Origin 50055 | € 0.02 | | Greece Mobile | € 0.09 | | Greece Mobile Cosmote Origin 50057 | € 0.02 | | Greece Mobile Origin 50063 | € 0.03 | | Greece Mobile Vodafone Origin 50059 | € 0.02 | | Greece Mobile Wind Origin 50061 | € 0.02 | | Greece Origin 50054 | € 0.02 | | Grenada Special Services | € 0.80 | | Guatemala Mobile Tigo | € 0.16 | | Guatemala Mobility Services | € 0.68 | | Guineabissau Special Services | € 0.75 | | Guyana Mobile Digicel | € 0.11 | | Hong Kong Mobile | € 0.04 | | Hong Kong Mobile Three | € 0.04 | | Hungary Mobile Origin 50128 | € 0.03 | | Hungary Mobile Tmobile Origin 50130 | € 0.03 | | Hungary Mobile Telenor Origin 50131 | € 0.03 | | Hungary Mobile Vodafone Origin 50132 | € 0.03 | | Hungary Origin 51218 | € 0.02 | | India Mobile | € 0.02 | | India Mobile Airtel | € 0.02 | | India Mobile Reliance Jio | € 0.02 | | India Mobile Vodafone | € 0.02 | | India Mobile Vodafone Idea | € 0.02 | | International Networks 1 Emnify | € 10.73 | | International Networks 1 Medialinc | € 3.38 | | International Networks 1 Mtx Connect | € 0.65 | | International Networks 1 Telecom26 | € 0.03 | | International Networks 1 Wins Aero | € 0.07 | | International Networks At&T | € 0.00 | | International Networks One Brand Number Pro | € 0.18 | | International Networks Transatel | € 0.03 | | Iran Mobile | € 0.21 | | Iran Mobile Tic | € 0.21 | | Iraq Special Services | € 0.72 | | Ireland Mobile Tesco Mobile | € 0.02 | | Ireland Special Services | € 0.15 | | Italy Mobile Fastweb Origin 50674 | € 0.03 | | Italy Mobile Fastweb Origin 52173 | € 0.09 | | Italy Mobile Iliad Origin 51152 | € 0.02 | | Italy Mobile Iliad Origin 51154 | € 0.10 | | Italy Mobile Lycatl Origin 50940 | € 0.03 | | Italy Mobile Lycatl Origin 50941 | € 0.10 | | Italy Mobile Tim Origin 50009 | € 0.02 | | Italy Mobile Tim Origin 50414 | € 0.09 | | Italy Mobile Vodafone Origin 50017 | € 0.02 | | Italy Mobile Vodafone Origin 50514 | € 0.10 | | Italy Mobile Wind Origin 50007 | € 0.02 | | Italy Mobile Wind Origin 50133 | € 0.27 | | Italy Mobile Wind Origin 50372 | € 0.27 | | Italy Mobile Wind Tre Origin 50011 | € 0.02 | | Italy Mobile Wind Tre Origin 50013 | € 0.27 | | Italy Mobile Wind Tre Origin 50015 | € 0.27 | | Italy Mobility Services | € 0.29 | | Japan Mobile Ntt Docomo | € 0.04 | | Kazakhstan | € 0.07 | | Kazakhstan Special Services | € 0.60 | | Kenya Mobile | € 0.34 | | Kenya Mobile Airtel Origin 50362 | € 0.34 | | Kenya Mobile Safaricom Origin 50366 | € 0.14 | | Kenya Mobile Telkom Origin 50364 | € 0.23 | | Kosovo | € 0.19 | | Kuwait Mobile | € 0.05 | | Latvia Fixed Olo | € 0.63 | | Latvia Special Services | € 0.63 | | Lebanon Mobile | € 0.18 | | Lesotho | € 0.45 | | Liberia Special Services | € 0.83 | | Lithuania Mobile | € 0.45 | | Lithuania Mobile Bite | € 0.38 | | Lithuania Mobile Bite Origin 50124 | € 0.38 | | Lithuania Mobile Origin 50123 | € 0.45 | | Lithuania Mobile Tele2 | € 0.38 | | Lithuania Mobile Tele2 Origin 50127 | € 0.38 | | Lithuania Mobile Telia Lietuva Origin 51195 | € 0.38 | | Lithuania Origin 50122 | € 0.15 | | Lithuania Special Services | € 0.84 | | Luxembourg Fixed Cegecom Origin 51220 | € 0.02 | | Luxembourg Mobile Orange Origin 51120 | € 0.02 | | Luxembourg Mobile Origin 51111 | € 0.02 | | Luxembourg Mobile Post Luxembourg | € 0.20 | | Luxembourg Mobile Post Luxembourg Origin 51114 | € 0.02 | | Luxembourg Mobile Tango Origin 51091 | € 0.02 | | Luxembourg Origin 51105 | € 0.08 | | Macedonia Special Services | € 0.45 | | Macedonia Special Services Type_A | € 0.45 | | Macedonia Special Services Type_B | € 0.45 | | Malaysia Mobile Celcom | € 0.03 | | Maldives | € 0.94 | | Maldives Mobile | € 0.58 | | Maldives Special Services Type_A | € 0.73 | | Mali Mobile Orange | € 0.42 | | Mauritius Mobile Emtel | € 0.21 | | Mayotte Mobile | € 0.10 | | Mayotte Mobile Origin 50691 | € 0.02 | | Mexico | € 0.02 | | Mexico Mobile At&T Zone 5 | € 0.02 | | Mexico Mobile Telcel Zone 5 | € 0.01 | | Mexico Mobile Telcel Zone 7A | € 0.01 | | Mexico Mobile Zone 2 | € 0.02 | | Mexico Mobile Zone 4 | € 0.02 | | Mexico Mobile Zone 5 | € 0.02 | | Mexico Mobile Zone 6 | € 0.02 | | Mexico Mobile Zone 9 | € 0.02 | | Moldova Special Services | € 0.72 | | Mongolia Special Services | € 1.67 | | Montenegro Special Services | € 0.60 | | Morocco Mobile Inwi | € 0.52 | | Mozambique Mobility Services | € 1.32 | | Namibia Mobility Services | € 1.14 | | Namibia Special Services | € 0.40 | | Netherlands Mobile | € 0.30 | | Netherlands Mobile Ibasis Origin 50882 | € 0.02 | | Netherlands Mobile Lycamobile Origin 50959 | € 0.03 | | Netherlands Mobile Tmobile | € 0.30 | | Netherlands Mobile Tmobile Origin 50912 | € 0.02 | | Netherlands Mobile Tele2 Origin 50935 | € 0.02 | | Netherlands Mobile Telfort Origin 50892 | € 0.02 | | Netherlands Mobile Tismi | € 0.08 | | Netherlands Mobile Vodafone | € 0.30 | | Netherlands Mobile Vodafone Origin 50902 | € 0.02 | | Netherlands Origin 50922 | € 0.01 | | Netherlands Special Services | € 1.80 | | New Caledonia | € 0.24 | | Nigeria Mobile | € 0.11 | | Norway Mobile Netcom | € 0.02 | | Norway Special Services | € 0.19 | | Oman Mobile | € 0.31 | | Poland Fixed Olo | € 0.02 | | Poland Fixed Olo 2 | € 0.02 | | Poland Fixed Tmobile (Gts) | € 0.02 | | Poland Mobile | € 0.14 | | Poland Mobile Centernet Origin 50328 | € 0.02 | | Poland Mobile Orange Origin 50331 | € 0.02 | | Poland Mobile Origin 50327 | € 0.02 | | Poland Mobile P4 Play Origin 50334 | € 0.02 | | Poland Mobile Plus Origin 50335 | € 0.02 | | Poland Mobile Tmobile Origin 50329 | € 0.02 | | Poland Special Services | € 0.75 | | Portugal | € 0.03 | | Portugal Mobile Meo | € 0.55 | | Portugal Mobile Meo Origin 50005 | € 0.02 | | Portugal Mobile Nos Comunicacoes Sa Origin 50001 | € 0.02 | | Portugal Mobile Vodafone Origin 50003 | € 0.02 | | Portugal Mobile Vodafone Origin 50120 | € 0.10 | | Portugal Non Geographic Origin 52286 | € 0.00 | | Portugal Origin 50726 | € 0.00 | | Portugal Special Services | € 0.60 | | Reunion Mobile | € 0.10 | | Reunion Mobile Orange | € 0.29 | | Reunion Mobile Orange Origin 50705 | € 0.02 | | Romania Olo | € 0.01 | | Romania Special Services | € 0.75 | | Romania Special Services Mediafon | € 0.75 | | Romania Special Services Type_D | € 0.75 | | Russia Far Zone | € 0.05 | | Russia Fixed 5 | € 0.08 | | Russia Mobile | € 0.25 | | Russia Mobile Gtnt | € 3.75 | | Russia Mobile Megafon | € 0.27 | | Russia Mobile Mts | € 0.26 | | Russia Mobility Services Type_A | € 1.28 | | Russia Special Services | € 0.54 | | Saint Lucia Mobile Digicel | € 0.23 | | San Marino | € 0.03 | | San Marino Special Services Type_A | € 0.98 | | San Marino Special Services Type_B | € 0.72 | | Sao Tome And Principe Mobile Unitel | € 0.75 | | Saudi Arabia | € 0.09 | | Saudi Arabia Fixed Atheeb Wimax | € 0.10 | | Saudi Arabia Mobile | € 0.13 | | Saudi Arabia Mobile Etisalat Mobily | € 0.13 | | Saudi Arabia Mobile Zain | € 0.13 | | Saudi Arabia Riyad | € 0.09 | | Senegal | € 0.24 | | Senegal Fixed Csu | € 0.42 | | Seychelles Special Services | € 0.68 | | Sierra Leone Special Services | € 0.50 | | Singapore Mobile | € 0.08 | | Singapore Mobile M1 | € 0.08 | | Slovenia Fixed Origin 50379 | € 0.15 | | Slovenia Fixed Type_A Origin 50450 | € 0.15 | | Slovenia Fixed Type_B Origin 50453 | € 0.15 | | Slovenia Mobile A1 Slovenija Origin 50399 | € 0.30 | | Slovenia Mobile Origin 50398 | € 0.30 | | Slovenia Mobile Telekom Slovenije Origin 50380 | € 0.30 | | Slovenia Mobile Telemach Origin 50401 | € 0.30 | | Slovenia Mobility Services | € 0.75 | | Slovenia Special Services | € 0.68 | | Somalia Fixed Golis | € 0.37 | | Somalia Mobile Somtel | € 0.13 | | Somalia Special Services | € 0.57 | | South Africa Special Services | € 0.71 | | South Korea Mobile Korea Telecom | € 0.02 | | South Sudan Mobile Mtn Origin 50153 | € 0.53 | | South Sudan Mobile Zain Origin 50154 | € 0.51 | | South Sudan Mobility Services | € 0.53 | | Spain Mobile Lycatel Origin 51020 | € 0.02 | | Spain Mobile Orange Origin 50510 | € 0.02 | | Spain Mobile Origin 51138 | € 0.02 | | Spain Mobile Telefonica Spain Origin 50660 | € 0.02 | | Spain Mobile Vodafone Origin 50656 | € 0.02 | | Spain Mobile Xfera Origin 51050 | € 0.02 | | Spain Special Services | € 0.57 | | Sudan Special Services | € 0.83 | | Suriname Mobile | € 0.20 | | Sweden Mobile | € 0.38 | | Sweden Mobile Origin 51562 | € 0.38 | | Sweden Mobile Tele2 Origin 51564 | € 0.38 | | Sweden Mobile Telenor | € 0.38 | | Sweden Mobile Telenor Origin 51566 | € 0.38 | | Sweden Mobile Telia Origin 51569 | € 0.38 | | Sweden Mobile Three Origin 51572 | € 0.38 | | Switzerland Mobile Lycamobile Origin 51543 | € 0.07 | | Switzerland Mobile Lycamobile Origin 51544 | € 0.12 | | Switzerland Mobile Lycamobile Origin 51546 | € 0.12 | | Switzerland Mobile Lycamobile Origin 51548 | € 0.33 | | Switzerland Mobile Lycamobile Origin 51549 | € 0.18 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50040 | € 0.07 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50044 | € 0.26 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50046 | € 0.26 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50050 | € 0.51 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50090 | € 0.26 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50147 | € 0.13 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50149 | € 0.15 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50645 | € 0.83 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50829 | € 0.51 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 51103 | € 0.14 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 51147 | € 0.26 | | Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile Sa Origin 51208 | € 0.26 | | Switzerland Mobile Sunrise | € 0.51 | | Switzerland Mobile Sunrise Origin 50064 | € 0.07 | | Switzerland Mobile Sunrise Origin 50070 | € 0.51 | | Switzerland Mobile Sunrise Origin 50074 | € 0.14 | | Switzerland Mobile Sunrise Origin 50157 | € 0.08 | | Switzerland Mobile Sunrise Origin 50430 | € 0.28 | | Switzerland Mobile Sunrise Origin 50761 | € 0.28 | | Switzerland Mobile Sunrise Origin 52206 | € 0.29 | | Switzerland Mobile Swisscom | € 0.42 | | Switzerland Mobile Swisscom Origin 50076 | € 0.05 | | Switzerland Mobile Swisscom Origin 50078 | € 0.13 | | Switzerland Mobile Swisscom Origin 50088 | € 0.17 | | Switzerland Mobile Swisscom Origin 50497 | € 0.33 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa | € 0.83 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50040 | € 0.07 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50044 | € 0.26 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50046 | € 0.26 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50050 | € 0.51 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50090 | € 0.26 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50147 | € 0.13 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50149 | € 0.15 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50645 | € 0.83 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 50829 | € 0.51 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 51103 | € 0.14 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 51147 | € 0.08 | | Switzerland Roaming Salt Mobile Sa Origin 51208 | € 0.26 | | Switzerland Roaming Sunrise Origin 50064 | € 0.07 | | Switzerland Roaming Sunrise Origin 50070 | € 0.51 | | Switzerland Roaming Sunrise Origin 50074 | € 0.14 | | Switzerland Roaming Sunrise Origin 50157 | € 0.08 | | Switzerland Roaming Sunrise Origin 50430 | € 0.28 | | Switzerland Roaming Sunrise Origin 50761 | € 0.28 | | Switzerland Roaming Sunrise Origin 52206 | € 0.29 | | Switzerland Roaming Swisscom Origin 50076 | € 0.05 | | Switzerland Roaming Swisscom Origin 50078 | € 0.12 | | Switzerland Roaming Swisscom Origin 50088 | € 0.17 | | Switzerland Roaming Swisscom Origin 50497 | € 0.33 | | Taiwan Mobile | € 0.11 | | Tajikistan Special Services | € 0.75 | | Tanzania Special Services | € 0.47 | | Telecommunications For Disaster Relief | € 0.00 | | Thailand Mobile | € 0.07 | | Thailand Mobile Awn | € 0.07 | | Thailand Mobile Dtac | € 0.07 | | Thailand Mobile True Move | € 0.07 | | Trinidad And Tobago | € 0.13 | | Tunisia Mobile | € 0.86 | | Turkey Mobile | € 0.15 | | Turkey Mobile Istelia Telekom | € 0.13 | | Turkey Mobile Turkcell | € 0.20 | | Turkmenistan Mobile | € 0.18 | | Turkmenistan Special Services | € 0.53 | | Uganda Mobile Africell Origin 50194 | € 0.39 | | Uganda Mobile Airtel Origin 50182 | € 0.33 | | Uganda Special Services | € 0.53 | | Uganda Special Services Type_A | € 0.37 | | Ukraine Special Services | € 0.60 | | United Arab Emirates | € 0.17 | | United Arab Emirates Du | € 0.17 | | United Arab Emirates Mobile | € 0.17 | | United Arab Emirates Mobile Du | € 0.18 | | United Kingdom Mobile | € 0.25 | | United Kingdom Mobile Sky Mobile Uk | € 0.02 | | United Kingdom Mobile Three | € 0.02 | | United Kingdom Mobile Tismi | € 0.02 | | United Kingdom Mobile Virgin | € 0.03 | | United States | € 15.00 | | Uzbekistan Special Services | € 0.59 | | Viet Nam Mobile | € 0.08 | | Viet Nam Mobile Viettel | € 0.08 | | Zimbabwe Special Services | € 0.51 |